Saturday, October 30, 2010

This Blog Sucks!

 Hi everyone. Or should i say no one. Hi! Is there anyone there? Maybe i can say hi to myself and let the echo greet me back... Hi There!...hi there...hi there.....hi there..........HMMM. Think i've lost my mind.

Since you guys only seem to like asking me questions about cars in person, all i can say is this is one sad blog.

And since there is no one here, i've decided to blog about stuff i like, like the acquisition of another car. Not just any car, but my 1st car that was sold 6 years ago. The EXACT same one.

If you'd like to check out that out, which i'm sure you don't since it's gonna be a weekly diary of my old car
and it's slow painstaking rebuild, follow it at

The Car Review sucks! Chow!